A selection of various workshop themes and courses that I have developed and presented. Please contact me for further information on courses:
Special Topics in Shiatsu:
Shiatsu and the Treatment of Pain
Treating Disease; Treating the Person
Recognising and Dealing with Shock States in Shiatsu Practice
Daoyin – More than Just a Name; the Principles of East-Asian Subtle Medicine in Clinical Practice
Body-mind harmony, the holistic approach: How General Yin-Yang principles offer best guidance in Shiatsu and Do-In manual therapies.
From Yin-Yang to Kyo-Jitsu; Understanding and Feeling Ki in Shiatsu
The Shiatsu Practitioner’s World View; A Transformational Journey
Seiki, the Workshop Cycle:
Seiki is a contemporary expression of Traditional Japanese Ki Culture in the art of healing. In a spirit of exploration and celebration, it combines the simplest natural principles in exercise training for body-mind harmony, suitable for individual practice and for sharing with others. It represents the “Experiential Path” in Shiatsu training.
Through many years of study and collaboration with Akinobu Kishi, the founder of Seiki, I have developed a cycle of workshops that support the unfolding practice of Seiki for people with varied experience.
Following no special order, each workshop introduces a specific theme or aspect of practice, allowing full exploration and integration of the various essentially inseparable elements of Seiki. These constitute an ongoing course appropriate to the non-linear, non-conceptual, experiential nature of the work.
Themes (Titles):
Starting from Zero: Emptiness and Beginners Mind
Space and Resonance: Finding Guidance on the Healing Path
“Katsugen” – Spontaneous movement in Healing
Hara Culture and Training in Shiatsu and the Japanese Healing Tradition
Ki Culture and the Healer as an Artist
“Kokoro” the Path of the Heart
“Non-Doing” and the Experiential Path of Shiatsu Training
All workshop topics are supported by a written description or short essay. Currently planned workshops are listed in “Workshops /Agenda”.